Who We Are
A group of parents of both current and former Kamiak athletes who, abiding by our club’s by-laws, work to financially support all student athletes.
What We Do
We assist with fundraising opportunities, help manage and distribute funds, promote attendance and spirit at athletic events, provide parent-oriented assistance to the Athletic Department, promote awareness of the important relationship between success in athletics and academics, advocate for Athletics in the community, and provide a forum for discussions about athletic programs and related issues. In the 2022-23 school year, KABC provided over $30k in funding to 21 different sports teams.
Why We Do It
The mission of KABC is to encourage and support Kamiak High School athletic teams and athletes by serving as a trustee for individual team fundraising and, through fundraising of its own, endeavor to provide student scholarships and help offset the costs of athletic equipment, training, and facility needs. KABC also strives to provide opportunities for positive involvement in the athletic community and foster camaraderie and school pride.
Volunteer Here!
Concession sales are the primary way KABC raises its money. Concessions are sold at the Goddard Stadium for Football games, at Kamiak’s indoor concessions stand outside the gym for basketball, volleyball & wrestling, and at the turf field for soccer games.
KABC Scholarship Committee
KABC needs members to serve on the Athletic Scholarship Committee to determine recipients of scholarships. You may not be a parent or family member of any senior student-athlete who applies for a scholarship. The Scholarship Committee shall be elected by a vote of the membership in the month of March. Interested parties should contact Steven Bullock at president@kamiakathleticbooster.org
Does your company match monetary or volunteer-hour donations? If so, please consider KABC as a recipient. Or are you the owner of a company and would like to be a KABC corporate sponsor? For donations and information about our tax ID number, please contact our Treasurer
Concession Sales
Board Member
Scholarship Committee
kabc senior scholarships
Each year, KABC Senior Scholarships are awarded to up to six college-bound students who have excelled in Kamiak athletics. Students (or students’ immediate family members) must be a member of KABC to be considered. The eligibility criteria and the application are posted below.
Long & Nickerson Memorial
The Jake Long and Frank Nickerson Memorial Scholarships are given to two senior college-bound Baseball and Softball players. Please contact the Kamiak Athletic Director for more information. These scholarships are funded by funds raised through the annual Long & Nickerson Memorial Tournament. Although KABC is the trustee of these funds, the scholarship recipients are selected by a committee comprised of Mukilteo Baseball and Softball community members, and not by the KABC Board or its scholarship committee.
The Kniseley Scholarship:
The Jack Kniseley Award is an annual scholarship given to one deserving college-bound senior male and female student-athletes who possess a high level of commitment to their sport, are inspirational, and excel at sportsmanship. There is no application for the award, as recipients are nominated by their coaches.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is your email/contact information?
President: Luis Famatiga
Vice President: Kristen McNulty
Grant Requests, Accounts, Donations & Reimbursements:
Treasurer: Lisa Wilson
Secretary: Shelly Famatiga
Concessions Volunteering:
Volunteer Coordinator: Tonja Major
Membership Inquiry:
Membership & Communications: Colin Edwards
Scholarship Information:
Webmaster: Steven Bullock
Word Press, WPEngine, Divi Theme:
Who is on the board of directors?
President: Luis Famatiga
Vice President: Kristen McNulty
Treasurer: Lisa Wilson
Secretary: Shelly Famatiga
Concessions: Tonja Major
Membership & Communications: Colin Edwards
Volunteer Coordinator: Luis Famatiga
Social Media: Michelle Hammons
Webmaster: Steven Bullock
What is your address?
Can I get a tax deduction?
Yes, our TIN is 91-1624506.
Contact us
Send Us A Message
Knowledge Nobility Integrity Gratitude Humility Tenacity Service
Kamiak Athletic Booster Club
10801 Harbour Pointe Blvd.
Mukilteo, WA 98275